Bus Repair Services in Fontana, CA

Mechanic performing bus repair services at Fleet Services GroupDecorative

Bus Powertrain Maintenance

Did you know buses use similar powertrains to that heavy-duty diesel trucks? Buses are really heavy, and they carry around a lot of people on a daily basis, hence the power! In order to keep your bus powertrain in good shape, you’ll need to change your engine’s oil once every 12 thousand miles, swap out your coolant once every 45 thousand miles, and perform routine inspections to catch any problems that may pop up. Other services that happen less frequently, but are just as important, are battery changes, ignition cable inspections, glow plug replacements, and drain plug washer replacements! 

Bus Drivetrain Maintenance

Interested in keeping your drivetrain in pristine condition? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Understanding how to maintain your drivetrain is one of the best ways to prevent breakdown and lengthen your bus lifespan! Important maintenance items to remember are transmission fluid flushes once every 30 to 60 thousand miles, transfer case fluid flushes once every 30 to 60 thousand miles, differential and axle housing fluid changes every 45 thousand miles, and bearing inspection on a regular basis! Getting these services performed on your bus or fleet of buses will save you money, prevent breakdowns, and make your buses last longer! 

Contact Us

As the saying goes, the better you take care of something, the longer it will last! Call today to book an appointment for bus service with Fleet Services Group in Fontana, California.