Roadside Assistance Services in Fontana, CA

Mechanic performing roadside repairs from Fleet Services GroupDecorative

Available Within a 50 Mile Radius of Our Shop

Fleet Services Group offers roadside assistance services to drivers and fleet managers who’ve had a truck brake down within a 50-mile radius of our shop. This service is available during our regular service hours. For more information about our roadside assistance services or to request a roadside mechanic, give us a call. High-quality roadside services are just one phone call away. 

How to Prevent Unexpected Breakdown

Preventing unexpected breakdowns is doable through effective preventive maintenance. Our preventive maintenance services are designed to detect small issues and prevent them from becoming major. We’ll inspect your truck, change your fluids and filters, and even protect your frame from rust. At Fleet Services Group, we believe that being proactive about maintenance is the most effective way to not only prevent breakdown but to save yourself money in the long run as well. To hear more about our preventive maintenance services, give Fleet Services Group a call today. 

Common Roadside Breakdown Causes

Wondering what some of the common breakdown causes are? Familiarizing yourself with these causes is a great way to reduce your chances of them happening to you. Common breakdown causes include blown or flat tires, an overheating engine, loss of engine oil pressure, fuel injection system issues, and overheating brake drum issues. 

Contact Us

To request our roadside assistance service, give our shop a call during our regular business hours.